TapisseriesdeFlandres wishes you a very happy Christmas and New Year !

General conditions of sales


Items characteristic

Tapisseries de Flandres proposes a range of Jacquard tapestries. The composition of the items is indicated on the site. All the products are lined with cotton fabric, and have a hanging system (eyelets and rod-pocket).
The sizes (in cm and inches) are approximate.


The displayed prices are in euros. Delivery and freight are in charge of the purchaser, and are calculated according to the country of destination.
All payment on the site will be done in euros.
The prices are including VAT for the European Union countries.
For the deliveries out of the European Union, taxes (e.g. customs duties, importation taxes or local VAT) will be paid by the customer.

Order taking

The "double click" associated to the procedure of certification and non-repudiation constitutes an electronic signature. This electronic signature has a handwritten signature value.
Purchase order signed by the consumer (by "double click") constitutes an irrevocable acceptance, excepted the articles "retractation" and "execution of the order".

Execution of the order

The order will be carried out at the latest 3 weeks after the order day.

If there is a stock rupture case, the consumer will be informed as quickly as possible. He will then have the possibility of changing or cancelling his order (he will be repaid if he has already paid).
Beyond the 1000 euros threshold, the webmaster will contact the customer, via e-mail, in order to propose a SWIFT payment.

Security and way of paying

This site ensures a SSL (Secure Socket Layers) payment, via Sogénactif and SIPS / ATOS partners.
The whole of the payment and information are crypted and protected. Information related to your command and your credit-card number will not circulate in the Internet.
For France, la Tapisseries de Flandres accepts 3 types of payment :
- French cheque, with the printed order.
- SSL payment, with credit-card.
- By SWIFT payment
For the other countries :
- SSL payment.
- SWIFT payment.


The delivery price depends on the delivery country.
The delivery will intervene in the case of an agreement between the customer (in the purchase order), Sogénactif center (agreement of payment), and Tapisseries de Flandres site.
In that case, the delivery will take less than 3 weeks after the order.
Consequently to the applicable law (art.10), the consumer has to check the possibilities of importation of the products in the country of delivery.


The buyer has 7 days to return the articles that do not satisfy him. When this delay is over, he cannot return it. The article will have to be returned in its original package, unused, and with a copy of the delivery note. The cost of the return will be paid by the buyer. The buyer will be paid back within 30 days.

Intellectual property - Copyright

All the texts, comments, works, illustrations and images reproduced on the site are protected by the royalty, all over the world. Only a private use, reduced to the family circle, and the reproduction (impression, downloading) for a strictly personal use are authorized.
All other use is constitutive of counterfeit and sanctioned by the Intellectual Property Code. If you wish to use photographs or texts of this site, you can contact Tapisseries de Flandres by mail.

Applicable law and payment of litigation

This contract is subjected to the French law.
In the event of litigation between the two parts, the jurisdiction court will be the Tribunal de Commerce de Roubaix, France.